Learn About KezaPlex

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KezaPlex, is a powerhouse for premium information communication, visualization, distribution and messaging. Our name comes from an amalgamation of two words that infuse ingenuity, reliability, possibility, creativity, beauty, security and trust. Keza Development Team, having defined premium information as must have information that have value, meaning and significance.

The word Keza comes from the land of a thousand Hills and is synonymous to beauty, optimism, progress.. On the other hand, through Plex we are able to transform meaningless to meaningful,  we do this by associating Plex to Keza team spirit, a team of movers and shakers driven always by creativity and ingenuity while navigating the already complex mainly quadrios or trios, but mostly duos or monopolized technology and communication sector and bringing value to users through information we avail them to have access.

Our product is simple and straightforward, we create meaningful codes that you users can text to our platform and get premium information as replies. Original launch services are services: Coupon discount codes, results publication and process status check. Users sends a Premium Service Code to our system and receives information back. Our system is built to a novel forward looking mindset, changing information distribution from push to all, where information is forcefully and inconveniently distributed to everyone,  to request and access where the interested party asks form information and it is only then served when requested.

Organized under KezaPay with official name: “KezaPlex, a KezaPay service”, it was originally designed to serve as the underlying communication infrastructure for Standard Gateway’s currently under development payment system: KezaPay. The official site was registered on July 5th, 2018 while development started about a month after. In the meantime, intensive backend testing had already began months before. While operation is backed by Standard Gateway, development is backed by KezaPay development team

On December 31st, the alpha version of the service was launched with three main components available to customers: a native mobile text message communication component; webtext, a web texting component; webview, username and password driven component and an information site for users to find information about the system. Future releases are planned to include apps on both android and ios as well as other communication medium such as facebook and WhatsApp.